Are you experiencing issues with email deliverability to providers such as Yahoo, AOL or even Google?
A lot of providers such as Yahoo have changed their requirements for inbound emails and are now requiring that emails which are sent to their servers have the necessary DNS records before the email is allowed to reach the recipients. One such record is the DKIM record.
If you are trying to figure out how to enable DKIM on Office365, just follow the steps below and you’ll be back to delivering emails in no time.
How to Enable DKIM on Office365
- In a web browser, navigate to the following URL:
- Click on your domain in the list (for example:
- Check whether ‘Sign messages for this domain with DKIM signatures’ is checked and enabled
- If it is not checked, click on the slider to enable the DKIM signatures.
- You should now see a window that pops up. Copy the contents somewhere safe as you will need to create two CNAME records with your DNS provider before you will be able to enable the DKIM signatures.
- Head on over to your DNS provider and edit the DNS records for your domain (we will be using CloudFlare in our example).
- Create a new CNAME record with the name and value you were provided in the Office365 portal:

- Once created, add a secondary CNAME record with the other name and value you were provided in the Office365 portal.
- Once both records have been created, wait between an hour to four hours before going back to the DKIM page on Office365.
- After around an hour to four hours since the creation of your records, you should now be able to enable DKIM on Office365. The slider should now look like this:

Congratulations. You have successfully enabled DKIM on Office365 and you should now be able to send deliverable emails to Yahoo and other providers.
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See just some of the Areas We Service and reach out today if you need any assistance with your business technology or even creating DKIM records!